
Kamala, Meet Villanelle

Kamala is not an item on a menu, where you get to say hold the fries and I’ll have the salad instead. Do you know how many times people have written on my posts,  I like your writing but I don’t always agree with you. Like I need to know this. I don’t need to know this.

You only say this kind of thing to women so they will understand they are being chopped into pieces for inspection and evaluation. When you chop any woman into pieces for inspection and evaluation, for any reason, it makes them feel bad, as Jodie Comer put it so brilliantly in Killing Eve. Jodie’s character, Villanelle, is an unstoppable paid assassin. She is the kind of figure every woman needs to become whenever she is inspected and evaluated.

Making people afraid of you is a much better deterrent to being treated like a menu item than anything else you can imagine. If you want a good example of this, look at the way men use intimidation to their advantage.

You don’t actually have to kill anyone. All you have to do is open your mouth and say, I am not an item on a menu. You don’t get to comment on my ingredients and send me back to the chef to be cooked your way. Also, I don’t actually care what you think of me, and I know you inspect and evaluate me down to my hair style and my clothes and my laugh and my diction and what I say first and what I say last, I know you do this dismantling so I will feel self-conscious and bad about my hair and my laugh and my clothes, and you will always be able to succeed because I am human.

I don’t care about your evaluations, but it hurts me and takes the stuffing out of me that you think you can get away with wanting to cut me down a few pegs and make me feel smaller than you. You underline for me with almost every word out of your mouth how easy it is to insult me because you think I won’t come for you in the middle of the night like Villanelle. You will come home, thinking you are safe, and I will be sitting in your house in the dark, waiting for you to turn on the lights, and your blood will freeze because you understand what I’m capable of.

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