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‘It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror’ Edited by Joe Vallese

FEMINIST PRESS, OCTOBER 2022, 400 pp. I ARRIVED AT the anthology It Came from the Closet as I imagine many other queer horror fans will: excited to see which movies would be covered, counting down until a reference was made to the ā€œfinal girl,ā€ and feeling a bit nervous about how the writers would wrestle with a genre that has historically been assaultive to the LGBTQ+ community, particularly trans women. Thankfully, editor Joe Vallese addresses


A Conversation with Nona Willis Aronowitz

TALK Nona Willis Aronowitz NONA WILLIS ARONOWITZ is the author, most recently, of Bad Sex: Truth, Pleasure, and an Unfinished Revolution (Plume, 2022), a memoir about the end of the authorā€™s marriage, as well as a work of social history that examines the enduring barriers to true sexual freedom. She co-authored Girldrive: Criss-crossing America, Redefining Feminism (Seal Press, 2009) and writes a sex and love column for Teen Vogue. The daughter of the late radical


A Conversation with Kayla Martinez

TALK KAYLA MARTINEZ IS a writer, filmmaker, and Fulbright fellow teaching English in Madrid. In Kaylaā€™s final undergraduate year at the University of Chicago, LIBER published their debut short story, ā€œGratification.ā€ Noelle McManus and Jennifer Baumgardner talked with Kayla about Gen Z humor, hybrid storytelling, and the strangely enduring appeal of Legally Blonde. Noelle McManus: Could you tell us a bit about your background? Kayla Martinez: I was raised in Mandeville, Louisiana, which is an


‘The Rabbit Hutch’ By Tess Gunty

KNOPF, AUGUST 2022, 352 PP ā€œON A HOT night in Apartment C4, Blandine Watkins exits her body.ā€ So opens Tess Guntyā€™s feat of a novel, The Rabbit Hutch, which begins with the death of its central character. Blandine is an orphan who recently graduated from the foster system, is obsessed with Catholic mysticism, and has dabbled in some light ecoterrorism in between shifts serving pie at the local diner. From the moment of her death,


A Conversation with Ninotchka Rosca

TALK In 1972, when Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines, award-winning feminist dissident and writer Ninotchka Rosca was a young radical journalist and chair of the Womenā€™s Bureau. She was soon swept up and imprisoned for disseminating news that didnā€™t adhere to the governmentā€™s propaganda machine. She served a six-month sentence and escaped to the United States, where she would remain in exile until 1988. Finally, in the last days of the Marcos


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