Issue 1.5

‘Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us’ by Rachel Aviv

FARRAR, STRAUS & GIROUX, SEPTEMBER 2022, 288 PP. WHEN DIAGNOSED WITH a chronic illness, itā€™s easy to split your life into two periods: prediagnosis and postdiagnosis. Maybe youā€™ve suffered mysterious symptoms for years, but (finally) having a name for your experience ostensibly gives you a pathway forward. In the last few years, a swell of illness memoirs has described this journey, including Porochista Khakpourā€™s Sick, Abby Normanā€™s Ask Me About My Uterus, Lara Parkerā€™s Vagina


‘Animal Life’ by AuĆ°ur Ava ƓlafsdĆ³ttir, translated by Brian Fitzgibbon

GROVE ATLANTIC, DECEMBER 2022, 192 PP. IN 2013, THE University of Iceland crowned ljĆ³smĆ³Ć°ir, a compound of ljĆ³s (light) and mĆ³Ć°ir (mother), the most beautiful word in the Icelandic language. The English word for ljĆ³smĆ³Ć°ir is midwife, and that most intimate occupation forms the core of AuĆ°ur Ava ƓlafsdĆ³ttirā€™s latest novel, Animal Life, her seventh to be translated into Englishā€”this time, by Brian Fitzgibbon. The premise: Itā€™s late December in ReykjavĆ­k, and a massive storm


‘The Easy Life’ by Marguerite Duras, translated by Emma Ramadan and Olivia Baes

  BLOOMSBURY, DECEMBER 2022, 419 pp. Iā€™ve always found the question of what it is that a character wants very boring and annoying. Iā€™ve heard it asked many times in creative writing workshops when someone, usually a woman (and sometimes that woman is me), has handed in a story where there are lots of pretty sentences that convey a deep emotionality but where nothing in particular happens. The general consensus is that thatā€™s not enough


‘Our Missing Hearts’ by Celeste Ng

  PENGUIN, OCTOBER 2022, 352 PP. A DYSTOPIA IS an imaginary place where neither you nor I would want to dwell, for it dramatically extends the most painful and dangerous features of the present moment. As such, a dystopia warns us to change the present while we can. The imagined United States of Celeste Ngā€™s new novel, Our Missing Hearts, has gone through ā€œThe Crisis,ā€ a long economic depression that spawned social disruption and crime.


‘Still Pictures: On Photography and Memory’ by Janet Malcolm

  FARRAR, STRAUS & GIROUX, JANUARY 2023, 176 PP. NO ONE KNOWS why they remember anything. Even the details of a disaster, like your time as a hostage, or the hurricane that swept away your house, may be shrouded in protective amnesia, while you can precisely describe the insignia on a set of buttons you saw when you were four. As Janet Malcolm puts it in her posthumous memoir, Still Pictures: On Photography and Memory,


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